Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Aye, Matey...we're off to Oz!

Happy Halloween! Here are the pirate and the hair?... shiny isn't it?? I really wish I would have gotten a better picture of the shoes 'cause with Dorothy it's all about the shoes. Rick was quite relieved that the shoes did NOT deposit glitter all over the floor of the car. Being a good (and fearful) husband he never said a word about it BEFORE we got home from the negative word and you can bet your life I would have shot him a look that would have taken him months to recover from (wow! that was harsh)! Dad was in charge of rubbing a little ash on Sam's face so he could look "scruffy". Now, correct me if I'm wrong but, isn't the point to make it look like a five-o-clock shadow? So, why is there ash on his nose...hmmmmmm? And for the record I did bring up the eye patch but, Cap'n Sam wanted no part of that. I'm guessing it would have impacted his ability to ace those difficult carnival games.
I'm off to figure out how to keep the kids warm without ruining the costumes...don't worry Jenna, even with a coat I think people will get it (I love trick-or-treating in Minnesota!)!
Have a safe and Happy Halloween!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Before and After...

Before (Spring '07)

Sorry I've been a little MIA lately, I've been busy getting the kids Halloween costumes ready in time for the community carnival last Sunday (I'll post a picture tomorrow). Since I've become a stay-at-home mom I've gradually lost any ability to multi-task so, I got a little overwhelmed. While I was doing that Rick decided it best to stay out of the mayhem that had taken over our kitchen and do something productive. He decided to mow down the wildflower garden...I hate this but, I know it's necessary. I posted a picture of it from last spring to remind myself (and you) that it's worth it! Please excuse the quality of the "after" picture, I took it out of the kitchen window (eeegads!). It was the best I could do considering I was knee deep in red glitter, fabric paint and grommets...did I mention how much I LOVE Halloween? Happy Tuesday.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

On this day...

Rewind to one year ago today...

6:50 A.M. -
Rick: Bye honey, see you at you.
Me: Ah, bye....hmmmm

10:00 A.M.- (Phone conversation)
Rick: Hi Honey, just called to say "I love you"
Me: Ah, I love you too.
Rick: See you at lunch.
Me: Ah, okay....hmmmm

Rick: Hi....follows with a big kiss and hug-eats, goes outside to play with the dog
Rick: Gotta you.
Me: Ah, love you too....hmmmm

2:00 P.M. (via phone)
Rick: Hi...just thinking about you.
Me: Ah, me too
Rick: blah, blah, blah...gotta go, love you
Me: Ah, love you too... hmmm

At this point I call my sister's cell...YOU AREN'T GOING TO BELIEVE THIS! She suggests the following; E-mail the above picture with this text:
Wedding dress: $900
Cake: $500
Forgetting your anniversary and your wife still loves you...priceless!

So, I do and HIS COMPANY'S FIREWALL BLOCKS IT! How do I know this? Well, when he comes home around six he's still clueless. He walks in gives me a huge hug and kiss and say's "I love you...the garage looks great".

Yup, I spent the afternoon cleaning the garage...I'm good.

Me: Did you get my e-mail?
Rick: No, what was it?
Me: I'll print it out for you...

Now, trust me when I tell you there aren't any words to describe the look on his face. Suffice it to say he resembled someone who's heart just lodged in their throat blocking any words from exiting except for "Oh, my God...I'm so sorry".

Fast forward to this morning....
6:50 A.M.
Rick: Bye Honey, I love you...HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!
Me: Me too!

Wanna know why I wasn't really, really mad...lets read between the lines shall we? This guy called and told me he loved me numerous times just because, oh, I don't know it was Wednesday?...not because of any special reason. That's cool...

Happy 10th Anniversary...I love you!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

This and that...

Just a quick note. I am adding a space on the right with links to other blogs I read. Some are scrapbooking some are crafty some are a little more about life and some just crack me up. No, I don't read them all every day...that would be bad. Some days I just need a little artistic inspiration and others a good laugh. If anyone knows any other good blogs leave a comment...I'd love to check them out. Speaking of comments feel free to comment on any post...I would love to hear what you all have to say...tell me you love my opinions or even tell me I'm wrong (like that would happen). Speak up I can ALWAYS use some good advice! Have a great day...I'm off to deal with the Halloween costumes. By the way, Sam has changed his mind, he now wants to be a pirate...AAAAARRRR (he likes to say that). Bye.

P.S. The picture is to celebrate LSH Giants first playoff win last night!!! This could get interesting since Blue Earth is in the same section (for those of you who don't know that would be Ricks home town). My alma mater did also happen to win their first game...I'm just happy to know they still have a football team and that they no longer have to sod their own field every fall...go teddies!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

A Special Thank You...

Because of the way donations are tracked at the autism walk we are unable to get a list of donors that mailed in their donation directly to Autism Speaks. Don't worry "Sam's Club" got credit for the donations we just aren't able to thank everyone directly. For everyone who did not get a direct thank you from us please accept this thanks from the bottom of our hearts. The overwhelming love and support for our family has blown us away....Thank you! On that note I'm going to share the following story to show what research, therapy and awesome teachers can do.
The other day as I was sitting in this very chair (kind of explains why I'm not losing any weight) the kids were behind me watching one of those extremely annoying kids sing-a-long videos. You know the ones where the songs get stuck in your head AND NEVER LEAVE! "B-I-N-G-O, and bingo was his name-o"...see told ya! Anyhoo, as I was listening to Sam sing, he has a pretty good voice, better than mine. Then again, chayley sings better than I do...okay, off track...sorry! I remembered the story of the scrapbooking store. At the core of autism is difficulty in communication, speech can be delayed a little or some kids never speak. We were at the beginning of our autism journey with no idea where it was going and then this. I was shopping at my local scrapbooking store (shocked, aren't ya?) now for those of you who aren't familiar with scrapbooking stores they typically have an area of tables set aside for people to bring in their stuff and work on projects in the store. This night two women were scrapping away and complaining LOUDLY about how they had to get out of the house because their kids would not stop talking. They went on and on for what seemed like an eternity about how their kids would not be quiet and they just had to leave and get away. After about twenty minutes or what seemed like HOURS to me at the time, I couldn't take it anymore, I barely made it to the counter to buy my few sheets of paper (see how distracted I was, I couldn't even shop...the horror!). I somehow managed to get to the car and call my sweet understanding husband before the tears gushed...good thing he can understand my "cry language". You see, these ladies had ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA what a blessing their childrens voices were. For years I would tell Sam "I love you" about four million times a day and every night I would pray that someday he would say it back. On lucky days he would talk to me in my dreams but, the days turned into weeks and eventually into years...that was hard. But, we were lucky Sam had/has amazing teachers and therapists who thanks to all the research being done were able to try new things with him and then this: October 19, 2004 Sam walks into my bathroom while I was getting ready hugged my leg (he was shorter then) said "I love you, Mom" and bounced out just as fast as he came in. Sam was five years old. I somehow managed to find the phone call my sweet, understanding husband and tell him what happend...and then cried even harder than that night outside the scrapbooking store. Hearing him sing an annoying kids song is something that not that long ago I wasn't sure I would ever hear and it's a beautiful sound. Okay...truth, I like it better when he sings Tim McGraw or Kenny Chesney songs but, trust me, I'm not picky! A couple of things I would like you to take from this story...1. The next time your kids are arguing or talking back say a quick prayer for those parents who would give anything to hear that sound and 2. When you donate to a cause remember that the research they are doing answers prayers.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Spooky Tree...

Happy Monday!

Jenna and I worked on this "spooky tree" this weekend. I love doing projects with her...she is the glitter queen! The idea for this came from a scrapbooking magazine, I can't remember which one but, I think it was Scrapbooks, etc by Better Homes and Gardens (figures it was them ;-)) NOTE: don't start freaking out about the candle underneath the cheescloth ghost. I moved it to the other side of the room so as not to start the spooky tree on fire. That would be a memorable childhood experience, now wouldn't it? One thing we are going to have to work on is my daughters fascination with scotch tape. She wants to scotch tape EVERYTHING...what's wrong with glue, I say??? Here is a snip it of one conversation we had.

me: "Maybe it would hold better if you added a little glue?"

Jenna: "Tape works fine"

me: "I think if you tried a little glue just to be sure then you won't have to worry about it falling apart later"
Jenna: "No thanks, I like tape"
me: "But, glue dries clear and you can still see the tape"
Jenna: "So?"
me: "Here's some more tape"
Jenna: "Thank You" (She's always polite, even when I'm driving her nuts)

Sunday, October 21, 2007


The kids school has a pumpkin exhibit as part of their fall harvest festival. Sam wasn't too interested in participating (not really a crafty kid). Jenna decided to make her pumpkin look like a turkey...Jenna style! I think she succeeded...only a turkey she made would have sparkly legs, polka dotted wings and a cowboy hat! Such a creative little munchkin!

Friday, October 19, 2007


What? You've never seen a goat on a roof before...well, I have! HAPPY FRIDAY!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Scarecrow Festival!

Here are a some photos of our Emma Krumbee's Scarecrow Fesitval adventure...lots of fun and it didn't start to rain until we were on our way home (now that's some luck we usually don't have)! Gotta love MEA least teachers do!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

I'm Old...Part I

Remember a couple of weeks ago I wrote about finding some items from my childhood in an ANTIQUE store...not something I could forget! Well, here is one of the items...the Fred Flintstone cup! Right now my husband (Hi Honey!) is jumping up and down saying "see, I told you she never throws anything away"! I would like to note that he only gives me grief when I save things like a Fred Flintstone cup circa 1970 but, when he can't find some obscure little scrap of paper with something important written on it my little pack rat habit suddenly becomes a blessing. Okay, I know I probably need therapy (to everyone who just muttered "probably?" under their breath...I heard that!)...I have no idea why I saved that cup and just for the record there is a dino cup around here somewhere. I'm not sure why I included the dino pez dispenser in this photo other than to emphasize my "saving" addiction problem. Just an FYI...I searched EBay for Pez and there were over three THOUSAND hits...see, it's not just me! I also recently read on a blog (Miss Elsie Flannigan's A Beautiful Mess) that she is going to decorate a Christmas tree with her pez collection (I liked that idea, very creative)...still think I'm wacky? That was a rhetorical question.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Ahh, Monday...

Reason number 999 why I won't be mother-of-the-year. Jenna lost a tooth on Friday...not the one we were hoping for but, a baby tooth none the less. Jenna seems to have a issue with letting go of her baby teeth...THEY JUST WON'T COME OUT! The new ones are coming in whether there's room or not. She actually has three front teeth about to be four...the new ones are in front and the baby ones are behind's not pretty. Now, I'm going to quote their dentist who, by the way, has about a hundred years of experience. Oooh, that made him sound old I hope he's not reading this. He was actually my sister's dentist...good, now I've insulted the kids dentist and my sister (HI JULES!). Anyhoo, his response to my tooth concern was, and I quote, "Sue, they'll come out when they're ready". I won't get into how much we pay for that type of professional advice but, sufice it to say he could have made up something better. Keep in mind he's a pediatric specialist...maybe I should keep that in mind and chill out. Okay, on to the reason why I won't be mother of the year. Jenna lost the tooth on Friday, a VERY busy day and I, the one in charge of notifying the tooth fairy of the tooth, was pooped. So, I forgot to e-mail the tooth fairy and guess what SHE DIDN'T COME. Now that will be the topic of a future therapy session I'm sure. I explained that the tooth fairy probably couldn't find Jenna because she was sleeping in Sam's room and had the tooth (technically) under HIS pillow. I know I was reaching but, work with me people! So, I suggested she sleep in her own room the next night and just to be sure she should put a sign on her door...which she did. And to everyone's amazment Jenna woke up the next morning a little richer and with fairy dust all over her pillow...that was a happy little girl.
Note: Until the tooth thing gets a little more presentable I think we'll work on photo's like this...cute smile, little visible teeth.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

More fun fall photos...

I just like saying "fun fall photos"...I know, I need to get out more! Anyhoo, here are a couple of pictures of the kids playing in the leaves. They are even more memorable because there was NO FIGHTING involved, just a common goal for the biggest pile of leaves they could make. Of course the size of the pile was determined by the length of time they could go before the urge to jump in was just too strong to resist...usually about five minutes! Don't ya like our fancy rakes! And if you look close you can see our neighbors house and shed peeking through the trees...I'm sure they are thrilled to be seeing us again (sorry guys but it's fall). Please excuse my photography! They decided to have their leaf festival at dusk and with my photography skills that is not a good thing but, I tried! Have a happy Sunday!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Random blatherings...

I've been kinda MIA this week, busy getting ready for the Park Elementary Book Fair!! I love doing this because I remember my mom doing the book fair thing when I was in elementary, full circle! Sam's mad because there is not one single Arthur book in the book fair...gee that's too bad! Jenna has a bunch of stuff on her wish list, none of which are books...why do they have craft things at a book fair??? Doing this and the single parent thing this week has been interesting...
This is Jerome Cheese in Jerome, Idaho...Rick is here, we're not and we miss him!! One more day and then Dad's in charge...

Gopher Hockey is back and that's a big deal in this house! I have no idea who they are playing this weekend but, we'll be, it's officially fall!!!!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Fall Photo Fun...(say that five times, fast...I dare ya!)

Somebody thought it would be fun to play in the leaves.

Dang, we have a big yard!

It's all worth it in the end...Wooo Hooo!!!

A little blue and gold...Friday was, after all, blue and gold DAY. A little homecoming festivities for the grade schoolers...just in case you were wondering, the final score was LSH 30 - Sibley East 0. I know you were just dying to know that...go giants! Oh, and that look on Sam's face...that's his "whiny" face...cute, huh?

Sunday, October 7, 2007


Thank you to everyone who supported us at the Walk Now for Autism Walk...we raised $1135!!!!! It was a rainy start but, it didn't dampen the enthusiasm of all those people determined to find a cure! I'm not sure Sam really got the "walk" part, as you may notice by the pictures, he got a "ride" for about half the walk! The important part is we made it and had a great time! Special thanks to Grandpa and Grandma Siefert for walking with us and for all their love and support!!! We would love to make "Sam's Club" bigger next year, anyone who would like to walk with use stay tuned...I'll post details here next summer! We are so blessed to have such amazing family and friends...Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

Check out the small picture group to the right. If you click on the "what's this" at the bottom and then on "autism walk" you will be able to view all the photos from Saturday (even in slideshow form if you wish).

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Better Picture

Here is a MUCH better picture of the cat and dog (thanks to their Aunt Lorie)! I can't believe how little they can they grow up so fast and I don't seem to age one bit...hey, I heard all those snickers and, be nice! Thanks Lorie!!!!

A Post from Chayley...

Hi Everyone!
Mom is busy doing laundry so, I'm taking over her blog! What? you didn't know dogs could type? Life's just full of surprises...I am an Aussie after all! My story started last night while Mom and Dad we're trying to enjoy some popcorn while watching this box with pictures on it (humans do that alot). I tried to get their attention 'cause I like popcorn too but, they never let me eat any fun stuff. Dad said I could have a piece if I could leave it on my nose until he said "ok"...what? are you kidding me??? This was torture I tell you...isn't there some dog cruelty law regarding this kind of trauma?? Okay, I played along with his little trick and he kept his end of the bargain...yyuuuuuum! So, then what does he do? He gets a piece of turkey...Dad, you're killin' me!! I made it with this scrumptious piece of meat on my nose for over two minutes...I rock! Gotta go, that dog whisperer guy is on that box with pictures...he's my hero!

Monday, October 1, 2007

Officially Halloween Season...



Okay, I'll admit this is not my favorite holiday but, I have kids so it really doesn't matter whether I like it or not, now does it?? When the twins were little it was kinda fun to make some cute little costume...the bad photo is from 2002 when they were a 3-year-old cat and dog, cute huh? Now they get to decide what they want to be and Sam has it in his head that he has to be something scary which explains the second photo where he is a skeleton (that was last year). Jenna just wants to dress up...I'm working on a little mini book of her "outfits" to share with you later. Anyhoo, I was to say the least, terrified to ask what they want to be this year. I'm envisioning something ubercomplicated, difficult to find or costs as much as my car. But Sam, who, by the way is now my favorite child said, and I quote "I want to be a ghost"...I immediately start my little happy dance (nope, you're still not gonna see it). So, a couple of days later I muster up the courage to ask Miss Jenna and she says..."I want to be Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz" again I break into the happy dance which she interupts with "and I think Sam wants to be the Tin Man"...nice try.