Friday, August 31, 2007

The last thing...

One of the things at the TOP of the kids "to do" list this summer was going to the Science Museum so, what do we do? We wait until the last day but, at least we made it (just for the record we did do everything else on their list, and then some!) . Here's the deal, science is seriously NOT MY THING (did I emphasize that enough for you?) so, Rick decided to take the day off and come with us. That, my friends is why it took three months to get to St. Paul...he just can't get the hang of "DAY OFF" and I have photographic proof! Here is a picture of him actually using that blasted Blackberry in the fossil section of the museum...I swear if they had a live dinosaur in that place I would have fed him that stupid little electronic thing! (geeezzz, I sound bitter, don't I?) Actually, we had a great time and ended the day with pizza from Red's Savoy Inn...that place has the best pizza!! I really couldn't do it justice by trying to describe the place to you (if you've been there you know what I mean)...City Pages does a better job, click here for their review, if you're interested . Too bad we didn't leave room for ice cream from "Izzy's"...St. Paul is not the place to spend the day when you're on a diet!!


Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Locks of Love...



Jenna got over 11 inches of hair cut off today...she wanted to help kids with cancer so, she donated it to Locks of Love! On the way home she asked me how long it would take to grow before she could do it again...such a big heart for a little girl! We're proud of you, peanut!!! Thanks to Kids Hair in Savage, they were awesome! If you would like more info on Locks of Love check out this link.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Life goes faster than you think...don't blink

I thought I would share some scrapbooking since I finally felt a little creative and actually finished something. I'm not sure if this was me freaking out a little about the twins starting SECOND GRADE or if the new Kenny Chesney (I love him!) song just got to me but, here it is...

P.S. I did do some laundry while I was working on this...just in case you were afraid my kids were running around naked.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Just in case you were wondering...

So, what does Rick do while you spend HOURS on the ask?
He actually works around here! Unlike me who has managed to put off laundry to the point where just about everyone will run out of clean clothes VERY SOON (good thing no one really wears socks around here in the summer)! I used the "we're out of fabric softener" excuse all weekend which is just "Sue language" for "I hate doing laundry and I'm not doing any this weekend"! I'm sure Rick will love the fact that I'm ranting about doing laundry instead of ACTUALLY DOING IT (Hi, Honey!). According to him I should be able to put in a load of clothes and THEN get on the computer and when the little buzzer goes off, again I should leave my comfy seat and move the clothes from the washer to the dryer...YEAH, RIGHT! Okay, Okay, I'm going....sheesh! Aren't ya glad you just wasted the last minute reading this???

P.S. That wood that he is so diligently splitting was once a beautiful oak tree in our front yard...the one that determined where we put our died.

Happy First Day!

Julie, Sam and Jenna-Minnehaha Creek-Summer 2007

"At the core of who we are is the roots of those that have influenced our lives the most and the impact of what they have exposed us to is always there and when the foundation is laid with love and commitment, our lives at some point will reflect that of which we have been taught."
-Aja Graydon

Have an awesome school year, Jules...we are really proud of what you do!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Silly Question...

So, what do you do when it's been raining for days and there's a big mud puddle in your front yard?


Want to know how we caught this little "dip in the mud"? on for some excellent parenting tips:

Rick: Hey! Honey

Me: WHAT????? (that's how I always answer "caps" cute, huh!)

Rick: Come here and grab the camera

Then we plot on how I can "sneak" up on him and get "the shot" which of course doesn't work 'cause Sam is on the look out thinking that he could get in trouble for this. Which, if we were good parents he might. But, no, he has one parent who is too busy trying to get a good shot and another who did the EXACT same thing as a kid and wishes he weren't too old to try it again...guess which one is which!

Just for fun...

"No great artist ever sees things as they really are.
If he did he would cease to be an artist".
-Oscar Wilde

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Soggy News

For anyone that's seen our local news lately you know that Le Sueur Cty has been in a flood watch or warning for about a month...okay, so it's only been a couple of days it just seems longer! In case you're wondering we're fine and our sump pump is working...yee hah! On a serious note our prayers go out to all of those east of us trying to clean up and start over.

Okay, I'm off to find something to entertain two kids who really want to go out and ride their bikes...rain or no rain!


Well, she finally got her groom...nearly strangled him with the tie but, she got him.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

I don't know what to call this post...just Sunday?

"It's so hard to find a groom" (direct quote-no kidding) I'm just guessing but, I would think being EIGHT has something to do with that.

(boy, I sure hope the neighbor boys don't come over while she's on this mission)

"Jenna I don't want to be your groom" (seriously, I'm not making this up!)

Unfortunately, Jenna's "horse" wasn't fast enough to catch Sam (apparently that wheelbarrow goes at lightning speed)

A little celebration upon noticing that Jenna's finally given up on her quest and he's FREE!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

AAAHHHHH...That's more like it!

In honor of the heat and humidity we are currently experiencing I submit this photo from last January for a brief moment of relief...aaaahhhhh! I love Minnesota!

Puppy News...

Chayley's tests are back and she's allergic to well, a lot of stuff...including maple trees and a bunch of different types of grasses. We are now in the process of clearing all the trees on our property and installing astro turf...should be quite the look. Just kidding but, we are trying different things with our vet to make living in the country a little more enjoyable for her...maybe shots, we'll see. Oh, and get this, one thing she is also allergic to is house dust...too bad 'cause I'm allergic to dusting....Oh, don't start leaving nasty comments, I'll suck it up (pun intended) and actually dust once in a while...anything for that cute pooch!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Proof Positive...

Odd picture you say?...well, here's the story. The kids are playing with a large beach ball that somehow ends up in the egress window well, they call Dad and he climbs down and retrieves it and EASILY climbs back out. Fast forward a few days, same thing happens but, only Mom is home so I climb down, toss the ball out and then realize it won't be as easy for my 40-year-old out of shape self to get out as it was for my in shape-recently successful dieter- husband (plus I'm shorter). Somehow I manage to get myself out and let me tell you IT WASN'T EASY, and even better the neighbor kids were able to witness this lovely scene. I suggest they play somewhere where the ball won't end up in the window well because I'M NOT GOING DOWN THERE AGAIN! Of course this happens again because who listens to Mom, what do my kids do? They go into the garage, get the step ladder, drop it in the window well, climb down get the ball and climb right out....proof positive that my kids are smarter than me!!
P.S. Don't even think about leaving a "we already knew that" comment!
Anyone know someone that can get us a good deal on REALLY LARGE window well covers?

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

How Sad...

So, we have a dog with allergies...not sure to what extent, we're still waiting for the tests to come back. In the mean time we have a high energy aussie that is currently a bump on a log...which means we have a pretty well medicated dog. Seriously, people this is very sad to see our Chayley-for lack of a better word, blah. I'm off to wipe her paws with some medicated pad the vet gave us, I'm telling you it's like a puppy pharmacy in our kitchen. Say a little pooch prayer for her if you can.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Jenna Van Gogh!?

What an eight-year-old can do with sidewalk chalk...
that annoying little cartoon character never looked so good...too cool!

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Never take life for granted...

Sam at the Ford bridge over the Mississippi - Minneapolis side...spring 2007
May God bless the victims and their families of the Minneapolis bridge collapse.


The rain brings new life and in this case a new blog. And isn't that just what the world needs...another blog? Welcome to my babbling!