Monday, August 27, 2007

Just in case you were wondering...

So, what does Rick do while you spend HOURS on the ask?
He actually works around here! Unlike me who has managed to put off laundry to the point where just about everyone will run out of clean clothes VERY SOON (good thing no one really wears socks around here in the summer)! I used the "we're out of fabric softener" excuse all weekend which is just "Sue language" for "I hate doing laundry and I'm not doing any this weekend"! I'm sure Rick will love the fact that I'm ranting about doing laundry instead of ACTUALLY DOING IT (Hi, Honey!). According to him I should be able to put in a load of clothes and THEN get on the computer and when the little buzzer goes off, again I should leave my comfy seat and move the clothes from the washer to the dryer...YEAH, RIGHT! Okay, Okay, I'm going....sheesh! Aren't ya glad you just wasted the last minute reading this???

P.S. That wood that he is so diligently splitting was once a beautiful oak tree in our front yard...the one that determined where we put our died.

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