Thursday, September 6, 2007

It's baaaaack.....

Not that Starbucks needs any more advertising (especially from me) but, I did the "happy dance" again (and no, you will never see it!) when I found out that the PUMPKIN SPICE LATTE is BACK!!!!! For those of you who haven't tried it you are probably a little grossed out...I mean, you really don't think about pumpkin in your coffee....with your coffee, yes but, in your coffee, no. For those of you who have had it you probably stopped reading this after the first sentence and are on your way to the nearest Starbucks (probably only a block away....isn't there one within five minutes of every American?) Oh, and the best part is it's FAT FREE...hey, it's my blog and I can believe that if I want to! Have a great day!!

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