Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Photography by Sam

Sam loves to take pictures. If you have any doubt just ask my Mom and my Sister who have developed rolls of film and are "surprised" to discover his "talents". He took these pictures, not too bad...the hockey picture is of my cousin Matt. Sam was getting restless during the third period (not so many goal celebrations going on) so, I let him take some pictures. He did pretty good at deleting the ones that were blurry (and there were many) makes learning much easier (and cheaper). It's not his fault that the picture is dark, I wouldn't let him use the need to blind the players (the ref's maybe but, not the players). So, guess what Sam is getting for Christmas? I would love to tell you but, you'll just have to take this post as a big hint because my kids have a habit of reading over my shoulder. I'm off to finish decorating the house...hopefully I'll post some pictures of it tomorrow. Have a great Wednesday!

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