Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Happy Day After Christmas!

Sam's first picture with his new camera...big surprise that Jenna's the subject!

Someone loves Hannah Montana...guess who?

We took pictures of each other taking pictures...I'd love to show you the picture he took of me but, I can't seem to find it...wink, wink!

Only in this house would we watch the yule log on TV two feet away from a real honest to goodness crackling fire...we are so seriously odd!

Hope you all had a great Christmas...we sure did! Family, food (really, really good food), fun and snow! So, we're spending today digging our way out of wrapping paper, easy opening packaging (yeah, right!) and cookie crumbs. Still in our PJ's watching Ratatouille...aahhh, that's the life!

Friday, December 21, 2007

Hey there! Miss Me??

Sick twin A and Sick twin B
(Note: Before twins are born they are known to medical personnel as twin A (Sam) and twin B (Jenna)...I'm sure you were just dying to know that!)

Trust me, he sang...really!

Not really sure what happened to Mama snowman...maybe she was just too short for the little peep hole?

Time: 11:00 PM, Temperature: 35 degrees and yes this crazy fool has on shorts and no socks! I guess you'd have to be crazy to be married to me so, I really shouldn't be surprised. Note: he obviously didn't want his picture taken (big surprise) so, I locked him out and clicked away...I'm sooooo nice!

Sorry, I've been kind of MIA lately but, my multi-tasking skills stink and that makes Christmas much more challenging! To start off with Sam was sick and then Jenna got some sort of mini version of it (God's way of giving me a break). So, I decided to do as much shopping on-line as possible...that is fine but, then there is the stress of whether it will get here in time. The last package arrived TWO days ago...what was I worried about? Then we had the holiday music concert at kids LOVE music class and trust me when I tell you that LOVE can not be emphasized enough! Jenna was an elf and Sam was papa snowman in one scene. It was a great program due in part to the fact that their very smart teacher started teaching them the songs in October! Emotional note: Sam sang every song and did all the "action" stuff, front and center. This is something that wasn't even in the back of our brains during those years we just prayed he would talk...this is is favorite class and I'm so very grateful for that! Sorry about the bad quality pictures from the concert but, our video camera is eight years old and it has issues. Why didn't I use my other camera? reference my previously mentioned multi-tasking skills. After the concert came the compiling of teacher gifts/treats...all fifteen of them! Yes, it takes a village...oooohh, I just quoted hillary (eeeks!). Please take time to enjoy the photo of my crazy husband...I think the diet he's on is effecting his brain. Enjoy you last minute shopping, wrapping, baking or whatever you're up to.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Christmas shopping detour...

Hello...Here's a post without a picture (eeegads!). I saw this re-run of a post from last Christmas about a re-called toy. Wow, that's a lot of "re's" for one sentence! Thanks to the television writers strike and Chinese manufaturers they are just part of our every day vocabulary whether we like it or not. Anyhoo, check out this link from my favorite website (The pioneer woman) it provided a well needed chuckle...enjoy and happy shopping!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Christmas tree decorator...

Since Sam is sick Jenna took over the Christmas tree decorating. Truth be told she usually told him where to put the ornaments anyway so, it always ends up being her "design" in the end. Please be sure to check out the new links on the right to some of our favorite photos from 2007. Happy holiday shopping everyone...I'm off to shop online. I have a sick little boy watching cartoons on the couch who is in no condition to be schlepping through a mall.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

The Christmas Tree

Okay, guys lets go find a tree...

Gee, there sure are a lot of trees out here...

We like this one!


Dear God, please let this one be easy...
Whew! glad that's over...

Let's get this thing out of here!
twin help rocks!

Rewind four years to the first year we lived here. We thought we should do this "cut your own" Christmas tree thing...we had no idea what we were doing! It took us forever to find one we liked, it was at the FAR END of the farm, Rick was not dressed appropriately (big shock), the tree was extremely unhappy about being cut down and threw a fit, it took Rick forever to get it down and the old rickety saw supplied by the farm was not helping. It was, of course, COLD and being that it was taking so long the kids started to freeze and wanted to go. We couldn't leave Rick alone to finish the job since he looked like he was about to pass out at any moment. And then after it was finally free we had to drag it was HEAVY! Let's just say it was not a pleasant experience. So, the next year we dressed better, brought our own saw, and a sled to pull the kids and/or tree. After arriving at the tree farm we saw the rows of ones already cut and decided to take a, we found the perfect tree, paid for it and left in record time and everyone was happy! Now for today, we headed to the already picked area and didn't like any of them...Rick got that terrified "deer in a headlight" look and we headed out to cut one. We found one right by the entrance, it cut very easily and we were out of there...we have one happy dad in this house and an awesome tree that the kids love because they got to pick it out!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Good Morning...

Hi! This is the gingerbread wreath the kids and I made for our kitchen. It turned out pretty good with only one casualty...breaking the head of an angel can't be good. Sam isn't all that into the decorating part but, he is the cookie cutter king and Jenna would much rather play with the dimensional paint...they make a good team.
REASON #1001 Why I won't be Mother-of-the-year:

So, Jenna had Girl Scouts last night which we had to drive through a snow storm to get to. Okay, it was only three inches but, still I would have much rather been sitting in front of the fireplace watching Rudolph. Anyhoo, I spent the hour entertaining her twin brother while waiting for her who, by the way, was tired and wanted to go home which he did not hesitate to express every FIVE MINUTES. Want to know why he was tired? Well, I'm going to tell you anyway...he had TWO field trips yesterday morning. He went to the LeSueur museum and he got a tour of the Pizza Ranch restaurant where he got to make his own pizza for lunch (pretty much his dream come true). So basically I'm crabby by the time we pick her up and she is on a sugar high from the brownies they had for a snack when this happens. She lets out a belch that you would think came from a college kid who had just broken the world record for how many beers you can slam in three minutes. Honestly, I think the windows rattled. The girl scout leader just looked at me and smiled. Why is that a reflection on my parenting skills, you ask? Well, she has possesed this "skill" and I used that term loosley, for quite some time and when she was five we actually thought it was cute. This, people is why you do not laugh out loud when they do it at home because then they do it in front of OTHER PEOPLE. On our way to the car I asked "you don't do that at school do you?"...she said no but, the look on her face said "yes I do, and proudly". At least she said "excuse me".

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Remember a few posts back (okay, like a month ago) I told you about Miss Elsie Flannigan's Pez dispenser Christmas tree? You have to admit it's one of the most original ideas you've heard in a long time. Well, here's a picture of it...pretty cool! I think I need more Pez dispensers so, I can make a tree...Hey, Rick whatchya think???

Just getting back into the school week after having Monday off for a teacher work day. They needed the day to work on REPORT CARDS....ooooohhhh still sends shivers down my spine when I see those words. Luckily for Sam and Jenna they're only in second grade, not a whole lot of drama in second grade report cards. As long as you're not eating glue and throwing erasers at your classmates you're on the right track. We went to Macy's eighth floor auditorium to see the Nutcracker display with Grandma...VERY COOL! I know you can't tell by Sam's face but he had a great time (they both did). Gotta love a victorian guy sitting on a clock and a dancing pig...I hope they never stop doing this display, it is one of the best parts of the holidays! After all does anything say "happy holidays" more than a dancing pig from the Nutcracker...I don't think so!

Sunday, December 2, 2007

First Snow!!!

Those are some rosey cheeks!

This was Sam making a snow angel but, I being cold, was a little to slow to get the shot.

Not really sure what was up with this...I said "Jenna, look over here" she did.
Apparently I need to be more specific.

The first snow you can play in is sooooo much fun! They still need to build up some tolerance to the cold, they lasted about half an hour before they were asking for hot chocolate. Hot chocolate by the fire...perfect ending! I know the photography isn't exactly up to par but, I too need to get used to the was freezing!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Happy Birthday, Jules!

Happy Birthday little sister!
I would like to take this opportunity to wish my favorite sister a very happy birthday! It's not every day you turn twenty nine (consider that part of my gift to you)!
"Walk in the rain, jump in mud puddles, collect rocks, rainbows and roses, smell flowers, blow bubbles, stop along the way, build sandcastles, say hello to everyone, go barefoot, go on adventures, act silly, fly kites, have a merry heart, talk with animals, sing in the shower, read childrens' books, take bubble baths, get new sneakers, hold hands and hug and kiss, dance, laugh and cry for the health of it, wonder and wander around, feel happy and precious and innocent, feel scared, feel sad, feel mad, give up worry and guilt and shame, say yes, say no, say the magic words, ask lots of questions, ride bicycles, draw and paint, see things differently, fall down and get up again, look at the sky, watch the sun rise and sun set, watch clouds and name their shapes, watch the moon and stars come out, trust the universe, stay up late, climb trees, daydream, do nothing and do it very well, learn new stuff, be excited about everything, be a clown, enjoy having a body, listen to music, find out how things work, make up new rules, tell stories, save the world, make friends with the other kids on the block, and do anything else that brings more happiness, celebration, health, love, joy, creativity, pleasure, abundance, grace, self-esteem, courage, balance, spontaneity, passion, beauty, peace, relaxation, communication and life energy to...all living beings on this planet."
-Bruce Williamson