Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Good Morning...

Hi! This is the gingerbread wreath the kids and I made for our kitchen. It turned out pretty good with only one casualty...breaking the head of an angel can't be good. Sam isn't all that into the decorating part but, he is the cookie cutter king and Jenna would much rather play with the dimensional paint...they make a good team.
REASON #1001 Why I won't be Mother-of-the-year:

So, Jenna had Girl Scouts last night which we had to drive through a snow storm to get to. Okay, it was only three inches but, still I would have much rather been sitting in front of the fireplace watching Rudolph. Anyhoo, I spent the hour entertaining her twin brother while waiting for her who, by the way, was tired and wanted to go home which he did not hesitate to express every FIVE MINUTES. Want to know why he was tired? Well, I'm going to tell you anyway...he had TWO field trips yesterday morning. He went to the LeSueur museum and he got a tour of the Pizza Ranch restaurant where he got to make his own pizza for lunch (pretty much his dream come true). So basically I'm crabby by the time we pick her up and she is on a sugar high from the brownies they had for a snack when this happens. She lets out a belch that you would think came from a college kid who had just broken the world record for how many beers you can slam in three minutes. Honestly, I think the windows rattled. The girl scout leader just looked at me and smiled. Why is that a reflection on my parenting skills, you ask? Well, she has possesed this "skill" and I used that term loosley, for quite some time and when she was five we actually thought it was cute. This, people is why you do not laugh out loud when they do it at home because then they do it in front of OTHER PEOPLE. On our way to the car I asked "you don't do that at school do you?"...she said no but, the look on her face said "yes I do, and proudly". At least she said "excuse me".

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