Jenna is a pixie fairy for Halloween. Now, many of you may be surprised that I, miss-finish-the-costume-the-night-before-Halloween, actually completed her "costume" with so much time to spare. Well, let me assure you that the real me is still here 'cause she needed her costume for her Girl Scout Halloween party last Tuesday...I finished it at around 3:30 in the starts at 6 (I love being me).
Let me move on to the hair piece. When I think of pixie fairy (and I do soooo often) I think of wings, a wand with ribbon and this hair thingy. Last week when the kids were on "vacation" we went to Hobby Lobby...yes, I took both kids and it was ooooodles of fun (if you cannot detect the sarcasim in that please read it again), we then proceeded to pick out the flowers for her hair thingy (I call it that because I have no idea what it is actually called).
Already this is turning into a typical Halloween for me. I always make these costumes into a way bigger deal than they need to be. Hardly anyone sees them and they wear it once, maybe twice and then it's gone forever. I spent hours of my life that, by the way, I will never get back wrapping ribbon around a paper mache ring, gluing flowers (which resulted in numerous hot glue "burns"...prompting my husband to utter this sentence that I'm sure he wishes he could take back "geez honey, you'd think you'd know how to use that thing by now"-if looks could kill....) and let's not forget the glitter (more on that later). Anyhoo, the next morning I proudly show Jenna my "creation" to this response...."that's nice, Mom...thanks". Yup, reeeaaal enthusiastic...great! Okay, let's try it on....not good. It doesn't really sit on her head very well and she walks around the kitchen like when you used to when you would pretend to be a runway model with a stack of books on your head. She then say's the following..."Ummmm, Mom, I don't think this is working maybe we should go to plan B". Yes, she's nine going on 20. My response you ask? well, it was this...
"Jenna, THERE IS NO PLAN B!" We are going to have to make it work, okay?"
Jenna: "Okay, I guess".
Me: "Don't worry I'll figure something out by the time you get home from school".
Jenna: "What?"
Me: "I don't know but, trust me". and she does because well, she doesn't have a choice. So, I end up hot gluing (yes, more "burns") a little comb inside and we fit it over her "bun". I put "bun" in quotations because it barely resembled one. For all of you that have seen how thin her hair is you know that I deserve an award for actually getting her hair to kind of look like a bun.
All was well in the end and she looked adorable for the party. Pretty much everyone at the party was dressed in black (except for the one girl in a red power ranger costume) so, pink Jenna really stood out...she wanted purple and ended up in pink, don't ask.
One more thing regarding the glitter...upon looking at her hair "thingy" and noticing the glitter she made this statement:
"Mom, glitter looks just like the fairy dust that the tooth fairy leaves, really, it does".
Me: "Yeah, fairy dust and glitter are the same thing. When the tooth fairy uses it it becomes fairy dust...I'm sure she just buys it in bulk from Hobby Lobby". Okay, I added that last part for dramatic effect but, you never know she could buy it there.
And for the record I'm really not ready for them not to believe in the tooth fairy.