Sunday, September 21, 2008

Autism Walk 2008

Walk Now for Autism Minnesota - Canterbury Park, Shakopee. Now we know how the horses feel going around the track.

Leading the way...the whole way!

Sam and his biggest supporter

The "official" Sam's Club Photo

Meeting Tyrone from the Backyardigans (a Nickelodeon show, I think)

Jenna making a butterfly

Thank you so much to everyone who donated to Sam's Club - Walk Now for Autism Minnesota!! We met our goal and raised $1000 exceeding last year by $250 (again thank you all so much)!!!! It was a gorgeous day and we had a great time! Sam wanted to finish first (in Sam's Club) and he did! He did much going on, so many people - definitely not an easy situation in autism world but, he loved it! They had some fun activities for the kids and he jumped right in...crafty stuff, even! It was one of those days I wish I could share with every teacher and therapist who has ever worked with Sam or still does.

It was awesome to see so many people raising money to help find the missing piece to cure autism. A very special thank you to Grandpa and Grandma Siefert for all their fundraising and for walking with us. We are so blessed to have such tremendous support from all of our family and friends...thank you.

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