Thursday, January 31, 2008

I'm not the only "good" parent!

Tomorrow is Australia day for the second grade at the twins school. They have been studying Australia for the last month and it all concludes with a program, picnic lunch (inside, of course), other activities and either swimming or skating (it helps having a community center next to the elementary school). Okay, here's why I'm telling you this story: The kids made their requests for their bag lunches, which I got but, I forgot the drinks. I called Rick and said would you pick up something from Holiday on your way home for their lunches and this is what he came up with. The sugar content should be evident by the picture on the bottle. Let me just take a moment to apologize to my kids teachers and any other staff that will be involved in "educating" my kids tomorrow afternoon...should be much like herding cats, good luck and IT'S THEIR DAD'S FAULT!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Ahhh...Minnesota winter, gotta love it!

37,000 degrees below zero (okay, I added a couple of zeros...big deal!) + Garbage Day = CRAP! I had to put on long underwear (and TWO jackets) to take out the've got to be kidding me! And before you think I'm a major baby we do have a REALLY LONG driveway (Hey! Lorie, here's something you can look forward to!). Let me now quote my daughter as we drove to school this morning "Looks like an indoor noon (recess)"...she gets her smarts from me!

Monday, January 28, 2008

Look what I found on my computer...

I gave birth to two kids over 7lbs at the same time and THAT is the thinnest I've been in years...who makes up these cockamamie rules, anyway!

Some things just shouldn't be shared but, her heart was in the right place.
Or, maybe she was TAKING it from him...hmmmmmm.

My favorite people!!

This is Jenna with Gordy the Gorilla. A favorite toy of Grandma Rame's

Hi! Sam!

I know I really need to clean out my computer but, it's fun to find old pictures when you're not looking for them. It's scarry how fast time goes. I feel a little sad looking at these 'cause I swear it seems like yesterday but, then I think about all that came after these photos and I'm really proud of the people they are growing into. And then there's Sam who's been through so much in his little life and I'm amazed at all he's accomplished. I can't wait to see where they go from here!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Silly Saturday...

Have a great weekend!!!!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Family Dog...

When Chayley was born the breeder used to send us updates and pictures (very cool, by the way) and they always talked about how much she loved to give kisses...THEY WEREN'T KIDDING!

Poor Rick, snow, 30 below zero and he's out there with the dog...cause if you don't exercise an aussie BAD things will happen!

Interior design gone one step too far is when your dog matches your house! Geeez, that's almost embarassing!

This dog waits for Rick to get home every day...she goes to the front door about the time he usually gets home. It's kinda sad when she does this and he's in Idaho! P.S. don't look at my dirty floor.

I'm gonna guess that Jenna won't be too quick to give a tummy rub when she finds out what Chayley did to her Girl Scout sash (it wasn't pretty). Don't worry, the nice lady at the Girl Scout store in Northfield (bet you didn't know there was such a place...neither did I until yesterday) helped me find a solution and I'm sure the sash will look good as new...I hope!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

It's Cookie Time!

Hi...It's Girl Scout Cookie Time!! Just when you've recovered from the guilt of Christmas goodies along come the ultimate treats. The really cool thing is that Jenna's troop is the only one selling calorie and fat free cookies...okay, I'm kidding about that but, it's a nice thought! It's a great idea to buy extra boxes to keep in the freezer in case unexpected guests stop by. I know I buy a few more thin mints just for that, they only last until we've finished all the other ones we bought but, it's a good idea just the same. If you would like to see all the different kinds just click this link . Please e-mail us if you are interested in purchasing any cookies!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Just a little Jenna...

Hi! I realized there haven't been too many pictures of Jenna on here lately and that's just not good! So, here she is and yes, she still has one too many teeth (she's going to the dentist in a few weeks and we will be chatting about this little me!). Okay, everyone Girl Scout cookie sales start on Saturday so, start dreaming of which ones you want to order! Jenna is a cookie rookie this year and she has lots of enthusiasim (when doesn't she?). This should be fun...stay tuned! Happy Wednesday!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Like Father, like Son...

I can absolutely guarantee that he did not get this "clean" gene from me! Okay, everyone who said "no kidding"...I heard that! He thinks this is fun...oh, my! Do you think he'd feel the same way about "working" a toilet brush...maybe laundry? Oh, the possiblities are endless!
P.S. I'm off to start a fire in that's REALLY cold here (and I like winter!).

Friday, January 11, 2008


We recently found out that our son is distantly related to Helen Parr aka Elastagirl. We are having his superhero costume created by none other than Edna Mode herself..."No Capes"...of course!

P.S. If you have no idea who Edna The Incredibles. She is one of the best animated characters ever!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Meet Fred...

Let me introduce you to our newest neighbor...Fred. I named him Fred because, frankly, he looks like a Fred to me and since he's been in our backyard three times now, he really needs a name. To say that Chayley does not like our new little friend would be an understatement. She literally goes berserk when Fred is in the area. This all started about a week ago when Fred would wonder through the woods and then today he decided that the birdseed that had fallen from the bird feeder looked too yummy to pass up. If our dog could leap through the living room window this little guy would have been toast. Keep in mind that earlier in the day when the UPS guy showed up she was ready to give him a big smooch but, this "terrifying" creature wonders into her territory and she barks at a decibel level known only to Metallica fans. It's really comforting to know that if an axe wielding murderer in a mask shows up at the door our "attack" dog would welcome him in for a tummy rub but a harmless rodent...we're safe, whew, what a relief!
P.S. That tail gives me the willies..eeeeek!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Pooch Picture...


I'm still trying to figure out my new camera so, here's the subject that is home all the time and has no choice but to be a guinea pig...errr dog. She was such a great dog over the holidays except for the chewing of the rug thing...shreds it to pieces actually. She gets mad when we leave her home...give me a break. I love you Chay but if you think I'm gonna take you shopping...think again!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Happy Sunday...


Just a little hello, hoping you all had a wonderful weekend! This photo is from a tiny picture Jenna made for the Christmas tree last year and seemed to make its way back on this year...too cute! I'm not sure why Sam's ears are so big but, I guess that's an artistic license granted to sisters. We had a very quiet weekend just some basketball, movies, presidential debate (the kids got bored with that one) and of course BOWLING. I'm slightly disturbed that my kids are so into bowling. There are no words to describe how bad of a bowler I am and after watching Jenna get TWO strikes and only beating Sam by three pins, I think I will become the official bowling photographer. And then there's their father, mister "I have my own shoes and bowling ball" who bowled strike after strike...seriously, dude, give it a rest already! I did contemplate participating with more than a periodic flash from my camera (which by the way, is a birthday gift from my hubby and kids and I still don't know how to use it). I looked around to see if anyone I knew would be able to witness my sorry looking "form" and initially thought "hey, I don't know anyone here so, why not?" and then I remembered...I LIVE IN A SMALL TOWN! Everyone knows someone who knows you...and I'm seriously not kidding about this. I'd walk in to the next PTO meeting to a chorus of "so, you went bowling last week!". And then I remembered the type of news stories printed in our local paper and could just picture the headline..."Comic relief at the 300 Club" with a photo of me lofting a twelve pound ball ten feet high and my family ducking for cover. If I ever get in that paper I would much rather have it be for winning the Nobel prize than for decapitating someone with a bowling ball gone wild...have a nice day!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Holiday Snapshots...

Hey, there! The kids went back to school today so, things are kind of back to normal as they get in this house! I was actually a little sad (maybe it's the cold medication?)...its wierd to go from caos to silence so fast! Thank you to our families for all of the fun, food and presents this Christmas...we are truely blessed! Special thanks to my sister for spending part of her vacation at our crazy house and for not freaking out when my dog kissed her at midnight on new years! Here are some snapshots of the last couple of weeks...
WE WENT BOWLING! And, boy did I do a happy dance...I am by far the worst bowler on the planet. I'm sure I would have done better if I had the bumper lanes...since it was the twins first time bowling I thought they should use them, I'm kind that way.



I love that you can see Sam taking this picture in the mirror!

There's ALWAYS a photo opportunity, you just have to look around a little!

Hey, Sam! You might want to press the button down HALFWAY BEFORE you take the picture...just a suggestion!
My parents treated us to a very nice lunch to celebrate my birthday and my eight-year-old daughter ordered linguini...hmmmm, good idea!

Have a great day!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

It's my birthday....shhhhh, don't tell anyone!

"The longer I live the more beautiful life becomes." -Frank Lloyd Wright

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!

"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." -Carl Bard

Happy 2008 to all of you from all of us!