Monday, January 28, 2008

Look what I found on my computer...

I gave birth to two kids over 7lbs at the same time and THAT is the thinnest I've been in years...who makes up these cockamamie rules, anyway!

Some things just shouldn't be shared but, her heart was in the right place.
Or, maybe she was TAKING it from him...hmmmmmm.

My favorite people!!

This is Jenna with Gordy the Gorilla. A favorite toy of Grandma Rame's

Hi! Sam!

I know I really need to clean out my computer but, it's fun to find old pictures when you're not looking for them. It's scarry how fast time goes. I feel a little sad looking at these 'cause I swear it seems like yesterday but, then I think about all that came after these photos and I'm really proud of the people they are growing into. And then there's Sam who's been through so much in his little life and I'm amazed at all he's accomplished. I can't wait to see where they go from here!

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