Thursday, March 27, 2008

She is my daughter after all....

Before...bunny has ears.

After...No ears. The bunny has since lost his head, as well.

Miss Jenna has crossed over to the dark side...dark chocolate that is! I was starting to get a little worried, I mean, it's just not natural for a girl not to like chocolate. Let's face it, there will be a time when for one week every month it will be essential to her survival. She now says she LOVES chocolate...wheeew, what a relief! Don't worry about her dad he still has Sam who wants nothing to do with his little chocolate friend. For all of you out there now thinking that it probably isn't healthy and with all the overweight kids in the world I shouldn't be happy about this. Well, I have one thing to say to obviously haven't met my kids. I happen to be the mom of a set of twins who look like they haven't seen a calorie in months...let me assure you, they have. They may not be extremely fond of sweets (still NO POP or soda for all you non-Minnesotans) but, they definitely have their junk food vice's...chips, for instance are a particular favorite. Having said all that I must tell you that we do spend a significant hunk of change on gluten free organic food...we're not really bad parents, just kinda bad.

P.S. Nail polish never looks good on an 'bout a manicure, Jenna?

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