Tuesday, April 8, 2008

at'ti-tude" n. 1,a position or manner indicative of feeling, opinion, or intention toward a person or thing. 2,a bodily posture; position.

Let's start with this photo....lovely, isn't it?

It was finally getting a little warmer out so, we just decided to go outside and enjoy it...at least that was the plan. Someone doesn't look too happy, perhaps it's because no one else was interested in playing tennis. One of the reasons is because hitting a tennis ball on a rock drive way is kind of like nailing jell-o to a tree. Dad told her she could practice by hitting the ball against the garage door...say what??? She then decided she better go for it before Dad came to his senses...
Not bad...by the way, how d'ya like that fancy tennis racket? I got it when I was about ten which was more than a couple of decades ago...and go figure, I still have it.
Okay, this is getting kind of boring, I think I'll go find something else...
Hey, this looks like fun. This requires swinging this green thing which is attached to a green ring that goes around your ankle and you jump over it with your other foot...did ya get all that? Just a thought but, I don't think boots are going to be the best choice for this "sport"...just a guess, though.
NOTE: The rest of this post can be filed under "reason #1344 why I won't be Mother-of-the-year" - - -

Oh, this isn't going well at all...She proceeds to get pretty mad at the fact that her loving parents were trying REALLY, REALLY hard not to laugh. I know we should have tried harder to help but, it's like trying to teach someone how to use a hoola-hoop (do they still make those?)...you can maybe demonstrate the correct way to do it but, that would require actually having said ability...sadly, we did not. We did try to give verbal directions that we thought would help but, I think the boots just did her in.

This would be Miss Jenna trying to look mad at her giggling parents...

Jenna: "It's not funny!"

Me and Rick: Oh, come on honey, you have to admit it is KINDA funny...right?

Jenna: "No"

Okay, at this point we were feeling really bad about the situation so, we suggested that she look for something else to play with...she was definitely in agreement even though she doesn't look like it...

Ahhhhhh, much better...she is actually a pretty good jump roper or whatever you call it. I'm sorry, I'm just not up on my jump rope lingo.

Jenna: I'm still mad at you.

Me and Rick: That's okay, we understand. We are sorry, you know?

Jenna: I know

Me and Rick: We love you.

Jenna: I love you, too.

And we all lived happily ever after...at least until this story comes out at a future therapy session that we're forced to attend via court order.

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