Tuesday, May 13, 2008


I just like this picture...they both look so sweet and innocent. Nice, but I don't think they're foolin' anybody.
We have a lot of water around our house, and I mean, A LOT of water. So far, it's been pretty cool...we have some wood ducks hanging out and they're fun to watch. One drawback is that in addition to lots of water we also have an eight-year-old boy...very interesting combination. The other day this orange ball appeared in the water...hmmmmm. I'm sure you can guess where I'm going with this. Someone (see above picture) decided to retrieve the ball...he started with a long stick (not quite long enough) then, moved to a rake (still not long enough) and then he just went for it and walked right through the water. Upon realizing that he was now soaking wet he just went for broke and started jumping from the fallen tree into the water...I'm guessing for maximum splashing...it worked.

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