Monday, September 29, 2008

Super Fan


This is one of the many (I'm sure) Minnesota Vikings Super Fans. You can't see it in the picture but even her finger nails are purple. Pastel...sheesh people do you think I'd buy a nine year old dark purple nail polish? I'm sure that will come up in her teen years. This super fan lasted approximately five minutes of the game. In case you missed it that would be just slightly longer than it took Tennessee to score their first touchdown. I'm sure the Minnesota Twins t-shirt will come out today.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Autism Walk 2008

Walk Now for Autism Minnesota - Canterbury Park, Shakopee. Now we know how the horses feel going around the track.

Leading the way...the whole way!

Sam and his biggest supporter

The "official" Sam's Club Photo

Meeting Tyrone from the Backyardigans (a Nickelodeon show, I think)

Jenna making a butterfly

Thank you so much to everyone who donated to Sam's Club - Walk Now for Autism Minnesota!! We met our goal and raised $1000 exceeding last year by $250 (again thank you all so much)!!!! It was a gorgeous day and we had a great time! Sam wanted to finish first (in Sam's Club) and he did! He did much going on, so many people - definitely not an easy situation in autism world but, he loved it! They had some fun activities for the kids and he jumped right in...crafty stuff, even! It was one of those days I wish I could share with every teacher and therapist who has ever worked with Sam or still does.

It was awesome to see so many people raising money to help find the missing piece to cure autism. A very special thank you to Grandpa and Grandma Siefert for all their fundraising and for walking with us. We are so blessed to have such tremendous support from all of our family and friends...thank you.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

I've got your back...

When you have twins you worry that you're giving equal attention to each twin. You always try to make everything "even" then, you find out one twin has special needs. You then become even more obsessed with making sure they both know how much they are loved. The thing you don't count on is the bond that twins's not something even parents of multiples can't fully comprehend. You have to be a twin to "get it".
No kid with special needs could ever ask for or receive a better twin than Jenna. See, she knows him better than anyone. She loves him unconditionally and knows when to cut him some slack and when to chew him out. She teaches him without knowing that she's doing it and most importantly she's the first person to give him a hug and a big "woo hoo" when he accomplishes something that's been a struggle for him.

They don't really fight like siblings. Sometimes I'll hear them arguing and I'll stand outside the door to see if they can work it out and they almost always do.
They truely are each others best friend...I love that.

Here's a Sam and Jenna story for you...
At school every year they have "mix-it-up" day at lunch time. Usually the kids have to sit with their class at lunch but, on this particular day they are supposed to sit with someone else and well, mix-it-up. Who do my kids sit by at mix-it-up guessed it, their twin
I know who the proudest sister will be at the autism walk on Saturday...I bet you do too!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Hi...Hello...Remember Me?

No, I did not fall off the face of the earth...sorry I've been a horrible blogger lately. I'm having a hard time getting into a new routine now that the kids are back in school. Between sick kids, a funeral, school, PTO, school meetings and laundry I haven't managed to get blogging time stuck in there. I promise I will try to do better!
Now, on to the important stuff...

Today, is my sister-in-law's 39th birthday!!
Everyone in our house would like to wish you a very, happy birthday. Your brother-in-law would like to remind you that he is still younger than you are. Don't feel bad, he does it to me all the time. However, you look younger than him so, therefore you win!
And you are welcome for me telling everyone in cyber space that you are 39.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

First Day of 3rd Grade...

I just wanted to show you the first day of kindergarten for reference.

Happy first day of school...I was not ready to give my kids back this morning. But, you know what? they were ready to go. I'm glad that they are so excited to go back to school but, I'm really going to miss them. It's awfully quiet around here...

"Sweet childish days, that were as long as twenty days are now."
-William Wordsworth