Tuesday, January 20, 2009

It's all about the hat...

Surprisingly we haven't been kicked out of any stores, after seeing these photos one would find that startling. You should really have a good time wherever you are, right? We were at the U of M Landscape Arboretum in January and unless you're skiing or snowshoeing you really have to create your own entertainment...done!

These two are pretty good shoppers, especially Sam. He was helping me at the grocery store tonight...he really just likes to "drive" the cart. There are rules for cart driving, no speeding, no running into, people, displays, other carts or my heels. He tends to, lets just say, push these rules...do you think he knows that we are testing him for dirt bike/atv readiness??? Don't freak out, we're not getting him a dirt bike...at least not yet. Maybe when he quits running into my heels with the cart 'cause that would hurt with a dirt bike.

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