They look innocent enough when they're animated but let me assure you that when they fly right in your face in real life...it hurts. I was just minding my own business and BLAM right below my right eye that little bugger (pun intended) got me. Now remember the movie Mask? Well, one half of my face looked exactly like Rocky Dennis...I'm not exaggerating. After a day and a half of swelling and pain I decided to go to urgent care. They immediately escorted me to emergency and stuck and iv in my arm. Apparently those little buggers (pun intended, again) can do some damage. All is good, after a few hours of an iv of steroids and anti biotic I no longer scare small children with my mere presence. I do however still look like I have a gumball stuck in my cheek...it's a cute look. And how was your weekend?
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