Saturday, August 2, 2008


The cast of Robin Hood at our brand spankin' new auditorium at our high dollars well spent!

Maid Marion, Rob and the Merry Band

Rimshot...the cutest member of the merry band (at least to me)

Every year Prairie Fire Children's Theatre comes to town for a week and tries to transform our kids into actors...they do a pretty good job. I know what your thinking "how good could they be after only a week?" Trust me, you'd be amazed at what these kids learn. If they come to your town, sign your kids up 'cause it's a great program. This year Le Sueur did Robin Hood, not your typical Robin Hood but, a fun week-long-do-able Robin Hood. Jenna played the part of Rimshot who is in the merry band. Rimshot does a little drum roll and cymbal shot after Cook Henny (another merry band member) tells a joke. Last year they did Snow White and Jenna was a lady bug (yes, I know a lady bug in Snow's called creative license.) so, playing a character that is actually listed in the program by name is a step up. By the way she had to sing and dance beside the grueling task of doing the rimshot and that was tough I tell you. I actually watched auditions 'cause I don't have a job and Sam was at summer school. I was really proud of my little peanut, she can shoot that sweet voice of hers right across the stage. She practices by yelling at her brother.

Let me just jump back and speak a little about last week for a minute, I want to pat myself on the back for getting my kids to all of their activities and not forgetting to pick them up. Don't laugh it could have happened, granted I would have noticed eventually...I hope. There was a day when I made six trips into town, I'm not actually sure I got it right but, I had two kids in the morning and we tucked two kids into bed that night and that's what counts. It's kind of a twin advantage that their schedules aren't usually too far off and I don't normally have to play taxi cab but, man, this week was one big blur and we're not done yet...more on that later.
If you want more info check out their website:

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