Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Parade and canned peas...

Okay, here we go...I'm officially the president of Park Elementary PTO....wooooo hoooo! and to start out we decided to be in Le Sueur's Giant Days Parade. We've never done this before, I don't think I can emphasize this enough...WE HAVE NEVER DONE THIS BEFORE and therefore, had absolutely no idea what we were doing. Our treasurer Dawn, who rocks, kind of took the lead, thank goodness. She did a very good job of not annoying the president of our Chamber of Commerce...very patient woman, with all of our questions. I had to get the t-shirts and figure out how we were going to transport ourselves through the parade route. We learned many lessons on our first parade. First of all, we decorated Rick's truck with our school color balloons, and signs and then drove to the start of the parade. I'm sure you can guess where I'm going with this...we lost about half of the balloons. Two of our fifth graders jumped in halfway and managed to save the rest. Once we got to the start we had to wait an hour before we actually started moving...we're thinking next year we could probably put the balloons on while we're waiting. It beats sitting around discussing with our neighbor how we can do in the neighborhood rooster that crows ALL THE TIME...oooh, sorry little off track there. Don't start sending me nasty e-mails we're not going to kill the rooster, we just like to complain about it.

Here's the back of the truck crew, one of their jobs was to refill our buckets with all of the leftover carnival prizes. In our brilliance we thought we could clean out our storage room and get rid of the last remnants of the school carnival that has been officially terminated....wooo hooo! We thought we had plenty of stuff to hand out but, we bought a couple of things of candy, just in case. Did I mention that this was our first year and we had no idea what we were doing? Yah, we ran out, the back of the truck kids took the beads off their necks and threw them to the crowd, we tossed the pom-poms we had for decorations. We told the girls to keep the ones they had in their have to draw the line somewhere!

Rick graciously volunteered to be our driver, and no, I did not threaten or torture him into it...pinkie swear! Driver Rick and his co-pilot/navigator/pom-pom waver Sam got to stare at this guy all the way down Ferry Street. And really people this is what Giant Day's is pretty much about...Green Giant and the invention of canned peas; yup, that's why we're all here...canned peas. You know what? I don't even like canned peas.
Despite everything we had fun and I think we're actually going to do it again next year...keeping in mind all the lessons we learned!

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